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title: How to develop on borgmatic
key: 🏗️ Develop on borgmatic
parent: How-to guides
order: 14
## Source code
To get set up to develop on borgmatic, first [`install
to make managing your borgmatic environment easy without impacting other
Python applications on your system.
Then, clone borgmatic via HTTPS or SSH:
git clone
git clone ssh://
Finally, install borgmatic
so that you can run borgmatic actions during development to make sure your
changes work:
cd borgmatic
pipx ensurepath
pipx install --editable .
Or to work on the [Apprise
change that last line to:
pipx install --editable .[Apprise]
To get oriented with the borgmatic source code, have a look at the [source
code reference](
## Automated tests
Assuming you've cloned the borgmatic source code as described above and you're
in the `borgmatic/` working copy, install tox, which is used for setting up
testing environments. You can either install a system package of tox (likely
called `tox` or `python-tox`) or you can install tox with pipx:
pipx install tox
Finally, to actually run tests, run tox from inside the borgmatic
### Code formatting
If when running tests, you get an error from the
[Black]( code formatter about files
that would be reformatted, you can ask Black to format them for you via the
tox -e black
And if you get a complaint from the
[isort]( Python import orderer, you
can ask isort to order your imports for you:
tox -e isort
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Similarly, if you get errors about spelling mistakes in source code, you can
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ask [codespell]( to correct
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tox -e codespell
### End-to-end tests
borgmatic additionally includes some end-to-end tests that integration test
with Borg and supported databases for a few representative scenarios. These
tests don't run by default when running `tox`, because they're relatively slow
and depend on containers for runtime dependencies. These tests do run on the
continuous integration (CI) server, and running them on your developer machine
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is the closest thing to dev-CI parity.
If you would like to run the end-to-end tests, first install Docker (or
Podman; see below) and [Docker
Compose]( Then run:
This script assumes you have permission to run `docker`. If you don't, then
you may need to run with `sudo`.
#### Podman
<span class="minilink minilink-addedin">New in version 1.7.12</span>
borgmatic's end-to-end tests optionally support using
[Podman]( instead of Docker.
Setting up Podman is outside the scope of this documentation, but here are
some key points to double-check:
* Install Podman and your desired networking support.
* Configure `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid` to map users/groups for the
non-root user who will run tests.
* Create a non-root Podman socket for that user:
systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket
systemctl --user start --now podman.socket
Then you'll be able to run end-to-end tests as per normal, and the test script
will automatically use your non-root Podman socket instead of a Docker socket.
## Code style
Start with [PEP 8]( But then, apply
the following deviations from it:
* For strings, prefer single quotes over double quotes.
* Limit all lines to a maximum of 100 characters.
* Use trailing commas within multiline values or argument lists.
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* For multiline constructs, put opening and closing delimiters on lines
separate from their contents.
* Within multiline constructs, use standard four-space indentation. Don't align
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indentation with an opening delimiter.
* In general, spell out words in variable names instead of shortening them.
So, think `index` instead of `idx`. There are some notable exceptions to
this though (like `config`).
* Favor blank lines around `if` statements, `return`s, logical code groupings,
etc. Readability is more important than packing the code tightly.
borgmatic code uses the [Black]( code
formatter, the [Flake8]( code checker, and
the [isort]( import orderer, so
certain code style requirements are enforced when running automated tests. See
the Black, Flake8, and isort documentation for more information.
## Continuous integration
Each commit to
triggers [a continuous integration
which runs the test suite and updates
[documentation]( These builds are also linked
from the [commits for the main
## Documentation development
Updates to borgmatic's documentation are welcome. It's formatted in Markdown
and located in the `docs/` directory in borgmatic's source, plus the
`` file at the root.
To build and view a copy of the documentation with your local changes, run the
following from the root of borgmatic's source code:
This requires Docker (or Podman; see below) to be installed on your system.
This script assumes you have permission to run `docker`. If you don't, then
you may need to run with `sudo`.
After you run the script, you can point your web browser at
http://localhost:8080 to view the documentation with your changes.
To close the documentation server, ctrl-C the script. Note that it does not
currently auto-reload, so you'll need to stop it and re-run it for any
additional documentation changes to take effect.
#### Podman
<span class="minilink minilink-addedin">New in version 1.7.12</span>
borgmatic's developer build for documentation optionally supports using
[Podman]( instead of Docker.
Setting up Podman is outside the scope of this documentation. But once you
install and configure Podman, then `scripts/dev-docs` should automatically use
Podman instead of Docker.