Fix traceback when include merging on ARM64 ().

This commit is contained in:
Dan Helfman 2022-12-23 10:07:53 -08:00
parent 442641f9f6
commit 5e15c9f2bc
2 changed files with 73 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
dump file, allowing more convenient restores of individual databases. You can enable this by
specifying the database dump "format" option when the database is named "all".
* #602: Fix logs that interfere with JSON output by making warnings go to stderr instead of stdout.
* #622: Fix traceback when include merging on ARM64.
* #311: Override PostgreSQL dump/restore commands via configuration options.

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import functools
import logging
import os
@ -6,43 +7,17 @@ import ruamel.yaml
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Yaml_with_loader_stream(ruamel.yaml.YAML):
def include_configuration(loader, filename_node, include_directory):
A derived class of ruamel.yaml.YAML that simply tacks the loaded stream (file object) onto the
loader class so that it's available anywhere that's passed a loader (in this case,
include_configuration() below).
def get_constructor_parser(self, stream):
constructor, parser = super(Yaml_with_loader_stream, self).get_constructor_parser(stream) = stream
return constructor, parser
def load_configuration(filename):
Load the given configuration file and return its contents as a data structure of nested dicts
and lists.
Raise ruamel.yaml.error.YAMLError if something goes wrong parsing the YAML, or RecursionError
if there are too many recursive includes.
yaml = Yaml_with_loader_stream(typ='safe')
yaml.Constructor = Include_constructor
return yaml.load(open(filename))
def include_configuration(loader, filename_node):
Load the given YAML filename (ignoring the given loader so we can use our own) and return its
contents as a data structure of nested dicts and lists. If the filename is relative, probe for
it within 1. the current working directory and 2. the directory containing the YAML file doing
the including.
Given a ruamel.yaml.loader.Loader, a ruamel.yaml.serializer.ScalarNode containing the included
filename, and an include directory path to search for matching files, load the given YAML
filename (ignoring the given loader so we can use our own) and return its contents as a data
structure of nested dicts and lists. If the filename is relative, probe for it within 1. the
current working directory and 2. the given include directory.
Raise FileNotFoundError if an included file was not found.
include_directories = [os.getcwd(), os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(]
include_directories = [os.getcwd(), os.path.abspath(include_directory)]
include_filename = os.path.expanduser(filename_node.value)
if not os.path.isabs(include_filename):
@ -62,6 +37,70 @@ def include_configuration(loader, filename_node):
return load_configuration(include_filename)
class Include_constructor(ruamel.yaml.SafeConstructor):
A YAML "constructor" (a ruamel.yaml concept) that supports a custom "!include" tag for including
separate YAML configuration files. Example syntax: `retention: !include common.yaml`
def __init__(self, preserve_quotes=None, loader=None, include_directory=None):
super(Include_constructor, self).__init__(preserve_quotes, loader)
functools.partial(include_configuration, include_directory=include_directory),
def flatten_mapping(self, node):
Support the special case of deep merging included configuration into an existing mapping
using the YAML '<<' merge key. Example syntax:
keep_daily: 1
<<: !include common.yaml
These includes are deep merged into the current configuration file. For instance, in this
example, any "retention" options in common.yaml will get merged into the "retention" section
in the example configuration file.
representer = ruamel.yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter()
for index, (key_node, value_node) in enumerate(node.value):
if key_node.tag == u',2002:merge' and value_node.tag == '!include':
included_value = representer.represent_data(self.construct_object(value_node))
node.value[index] = (key_node, included_value)
super(Include_constructor, self).flatten_mapping(node)
node.value = deep_merge_nodes(node.value)
def load_configuration(filename):
Load the given configuration file and return its contents as a data structure of nested dicts
and lists.
Raise ruamel.yaml.error.YAMLError if something goes wrong parsing the YAML, or RecursionError
if there are too many recursive includes.
# Use an embedded derived class for the include constructor so as to capture the filename
# value. (functools.partial doesn't work for this use case because yaml.Constructor has to be
# an actual class.)
class Include_constructor_with_include_directory(Include_constructor):
def __init__(self, preserve_quotes=None, loader=None):
super(Include_constructor_with_include_directory, self).__init__(
preserve_quotes, loader, include_directory=os.path.dirname(filename)
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ='safe')
yaml.Constructor = Include_constructor_with_include_directory
return yaml.load(open(filename))
DELETED_NODE = object()
@ -175,41 +214,3 @@ def deep_merge_nodes(nodes):
return [
replaced_nodes.get(node, node) for node in nodes if replaced_nodes.get(node) != DELETED_NODE
class Include_constructor(ruamel.yaml.SafeConstructor):
A YAML "constructor" (a ruamel.yaml concept) that supports a custom "!include" tag for including
separate YAML configuration files. Example syntax: `retention: !include common.yaml`
def __init__(self, preserve_quotes=None, loader=None):
super(Include_constructor, self).__init__(preserve_quotes, loader)
self.add_constructor('!include', include_configuration)
def flatten_mapping(self, node):
Support the special case of deep merging included configuration into an existing mapping
using the YAML '<<' merge key. Example syntax:
keep_daily: 1
<<: !include common.yaml
These includes are deep merged into the current configuration file. For instance, in this
example, any "retention" options in common.yaml will get merged into the "retention" section
in the example configuration file.
representer = ruamel.yaml.representer.SafeRepresenter()
for index, (key_node, value_node) in enumerate(node.value):
if key_node.tag == u',2002:merge' and value_node.tag == '!include':
included_value = representer.represent_data(self.construct_object(value_node))
node.value[index] = (key_node, included_value)
super(Include_constructor, self).flatten_mapping(node)
node.value = deep_merge_nodes(node.value)