#!/bin/sh # This script is for running end-to-end tests on a developer machine. It sets up database containers # to run tests against, runs the tests, and then tears down the containers. # # Run this script from the root directory of the borgmatic source. # # For more information, see: # https://torsion.org/borgmatic/docs/how-to/develop-on-borgmatic/ set -ex USER_PODMAN_SOCKET_PATH=/run/user/$UID/podman/podman.sock if [ -e "$USER_PODMAN_SOCKET_PATH" ]; then export DOCKER_HOST="unix://$USER_PODMAN_SOCKET_PATH" fi docker-compose --file tests/end-to-end/docker-compose.yaml --progress quiet up --force-recreate \ --renew-anon-volumes --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from tests find . -name borgmatic-1.8.9.dev0