+++ title = "Example Configuration" weight = 10 +++ Below is an example configuration in [`toml`](https://toml.io) format which can be used as a base for setting up a new norg backup. ```toml # Defines what folders you would like to back up source_directories = [ "/home/me", "/opt/other_things" ] # Defines your backup repository/repositories [[repositories]] label = "LocalBorgBackup" path = "/path/to/backup" # You can define to backup tool here, default is "borg" tool = "borg" # You can add more repositories of varying types. # When defining multiple repositories, a new backup will run for each repository # defined. [[repositories]] label = "RemoteBorgBase" path = "ssh://1234abcd@1234abcd.repo.borgbase.com/./repo" tool = "borg" [[repositories]] label = "LocalResticBackup path = "/path/to/another/backup" # You can define restic as a backup tool tool = "restic" # Defines encryption information i.e. backup encryption passphrase # If a passphrase is not set or is incorrect, borg/restic will prompt you for one # which is likely to cause your backups to not run. [encryption] # Set a string variable for the passphrase encryption_passphrase = "MyVeryS3curePassphrase!" # Get the passphrase from the result of a command # encryption_passcommand = "cat my_passphrase.txt" # These actions can be configured to run scripts (i.e. back up a database) # at various times throughout the running process [actions] # "everything" means before or after every possible option for all repositories before_everything = ["echo before everything"] after_everything = ["echo after everything"] # "actions" means before any action, per repository before_actions = ["echo before actions"] after_actions = ["echo after actions"] # before or after the backup process per repository before_backup = ["echo before backup"] after_backup = ["echo after backup"] # before or after the extract process per repository before_extract = ["echo before extract"] after_extract = ["echo after extract"] # before or after the prune process per repository before_prune = ["echo before prune"] after_prune = ["echo after prune"] # before or after the compact process per respository before_compact = ["echo before compact"] after_compact = ["echo after compact"] # before or after the check processs per repository before_check = ["echo before check"] after_check = ["echo after check"] # Send a status update to Uptime Kuma # more status monitor tools are planned to be supported in the future [uptimekuma] # The base/push url of your Uptime Kuma monitor - without the query string. # The query string will be generated at run time and will change dependant on the state of your backup. base_url = "https://uptime.kuma.url/api/push/1234abcd" # what backup states you wish to send an alert for, defaults to Success, Failure and Running states = ["Success","Failure", "Running"] ```