2024-05-31 17:49:23 +02:00
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< p > I run the < a href = "https://thisisnotmy.email" > thisisnotmy.email< / a > email service.< br / >
It’ s early days but I’ m hoping to be able to offer < em > something< / em > for people to
use eventually.< / p >
< span id = "continue-reading" > < / span > < h2 id = "what-s-it-all-about" > What’ s it all about?< / h2 >
< p > Don’ t you hate it when people, businesses, random telephone callers, etc. ask you for your email address out of the blue under the ruse of “providing you a better service”?< / p >
< p > Wouldn’ t it be great to confidently give them your email address, but with a slight passive aggressiveness to make the situation more awkward for them, and less awkward for you‽< / p >
< p > Enter thisisnotmy.email. thisisnotmy.email is a fully functional email service. When someone asks you for your email address, just say:< / p >
< blockquote >
< p > “Sure, it’ s my name at this is not my, all one word, dot email”< / p >
< / blockquote >
< p > And let them decide whether it’ s worth continuing on with this worthless data collecting routine.< / p >
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