Paul's Site of Stuff Zola 2024-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 Wholesome Errors 2024-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 2024-02-02T00:00:00+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>Your Friendly Error Code Index<br /> Inspirational instructions for dealing with unhelpful error codes</p> <pre data-lang="sh" style="background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class="language-sh "><code class="language-sh" data-lang="sh"><span style="color:#82aaff;">ERROR</span><span style="color:#89ddff;"> -</span><span style="color:#f78c6c;">41</span><span style="color:#82aaff;">: Failure! </span></code></pre> <p>Wouldn’t it be great if there was something to tell you what to do about this error?!<br /> Wouldn’t it be great if it said</p> <pre data-lang="sh" style="background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class="language-sh "><code class="language-sh" data-lang="sh"><span style="color:#82aaff;">ERROR</span><span style="color:#89ddff;"> -</span><span style="color:#f78c6c;">41</span><span style="color:#82aaff;">: Sit by a lake </span></code></pre> <p>instead?</p> Nemini 2023-02-20T12:57:13+00:00 2023-02-20T12:57:13+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>‘/nɛmɪnaɪ/’ Nem-in-eye</p> <h3 id="a-simple-gemini-server">A simple Gemini server</h3> <p>Nemini is a simple Gemini server with static file serving, virtual host and alias support. “Simple” in the way it is, hopefully, simple to configure and use with minimal knowledge of web servers in general. You probably need to be familiar with TOML configuration files, but other than that the server should run fairly easily.</p> AI Search 2023-02-16T14:40:00+00:00 2023-02-16T14:40:00+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>A poem about AI search engines</p> <blockquote> <p>This is a story all about how<br /> Your query got twist-turned upside down<br /> And I’d like to show an answer just sit right there<br /> It might not be fully accurate but I don’t care</p> </blockquote> Why I have turned off my BirdsiteLIVE instance 2022-12-21T11:36:00+00:00 2022-12-21T11:36:00+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>Hello. How are you? I am fine.<br /> <br /> You may know me from a few places, but likely on the Fediverse as the person that maintains a BirdsiteLIVE instance with the url <a href=""></a>.</p> Keyoxide Verification 2022-11-17T11:44:27+00:00 2022-11-17T11:44:27+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>[Verifying my keyoxide cryptographic key: 85633E30514CC1932E4268460ED12CF710BC42CA]</p> SQL Haiku 2022-10-26T22:40:00+00:00 2022-10-26T22:40:00+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>A Haiku in SQL</p> <pre data-lang="sql" style="background-color:#212121;color:#eeffff;" class="language-sql "><code class="language-sql" data-lang="sql"><span style="color:#c792ea;">SELECT</span><span> haiku </span><span style="color:#c792ea;">FROM </span><span>tableHaikus </span><span style="color:#c792ea;">WHERE</span><span> LEFT(name, </span><span style="color:#f78c6c;">3</span><span>) </span><span style="color:#89ddff;">LIKE &#39;</span><span style="color:#c3e88d;">SQL</span><span style="color:#89ddff;">&#39;</span><span>; </span></code></pre> Fortieth 2022-09-24T15:45:22+00:00 2022-09-24T15:45:22+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>A poem, about turning 40</p> <blockquote> <p>’Twas the morning after the fortieth<br /> And all through the house<br /> Not a creature was stirring wm_tools 2022-05-08T16:25:13+01:00 2022-05-08T16:25:13+01:00 Paul Wilde <h1 id="a-selection-of-information-output-tools-for-dmenu">A selection of information output tools for dmenu</h1> <p>These are a selection of independant tools for displaying various information about system status in dmenu. Some of them i.e. <code>volume</code> have options (up, down, mute…) which are selectable options in dmenu.</p> 2021-11-13T16:17:59+00:00 2021-11-13T16:17:59+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>I run the <a href=""></a> email service.<br /> It’s early days but I’m hoping to be able to offer <em>something</em> for people to use eventually.</p> Peanut Butter Recipe 2021-11-13T14:15:22+00:00 2021-11-13T14:15:22+00:00 Paul Wilde <p>This is the easiest thing in the world.</p> I Use ... 2021-08-17T11:04:14+01:00 2021-08-17T11:04:14+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>In the interest of sharing interesting information, I thought I’d create this page to list some of my favourite software packages and tools.<br /> This list is by no means complete as, if you’re like me you’ll understand, I use hundreds of software packages.</p> Mailautoconf 2021-08-17T10:49:13+01:00 2021-08-17T10:49:13+01:00 Paul Wilde <h3 id="a-simple-configurable-autodiscover-autoconfig-service-for-distributed-and-self-hosted-services">A simple, configurable autodiscover/autoconfig service for distributed and self-hosted services.</h3> <p>Codeberg = <a href="">codeberg link</a></p> <h3 id="what-is-mailautoconf">What is MailAutoConf?</h3> <p>MailAutoConf is autodiscover/autoconfig web server for self-hosted mail services which do not have their own autodiscover service.</p> St Skeletor's Day 2021-08-03T16:53:20+01:00 2021-08-03T16:53:20+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>St Skeletor’s Day<br /> February 15th<br /> Every Year</p> Ross Rates 2021-04-06T21:12:57+01:00 2021-04-06T21:12:57+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>Rate Stuff with Ross, quite simple.</p> Basic Dough Recipe 2021-04-01T11:41:38+01:00 2021-04-01T11:41:38+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>A really easy dough that you can use for bread, pizzas, naan bread, etc. Unphonetic ABC 2021-04-01T11:05:46+01:00 2021-04-01T11:05:46+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>A website directory of all words that can be associated with their letters by <em>not</em> sounding as their corresponding letter should do.</p> Bedford & Co 2021-04-01T10:54:15+01:00 2021-04-01T10:54:15+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>Simple single page website for a local accountancy business. Has additional Vue.js implementation for news and exchange rates updates.</p> Wilde IT 2021-04-01T10:47:49+01:00 2021-04-01T10:47:49+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>A local IT business website detailing available services. Our business website.</p> The Lost Tin Opener Society 2021-03-31T22:20:31+01:00 2021-03-31T22:20:31+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>A spoof single page animation website of a secret society dedicated to finding all lost tin openers.</p> Noisy Faces 2021-03-31T17:22:16+01:00 2021-03-31T17:22:16+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>Just a very silly website with an animated face making sounds.<br /> Yeah, just that really. (The image is <em>not</em> me)</p> The Geese Webpage 2021-03-31T10:05:31+01:00 2021-03-31T10:05:31+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>Starting life as a (sort of inappropriate) parody of a certain popular dating website the geese website was made as a bit of fun and to please minor obsession with geese.</p> About Me 2021-03-29T10:19:20+01:00 2021-03-29T10:19:20+01:00 Paul Wilde <p>Hello,<br /> This is my website which will contain my general thoughts, utterings, maybe my opinions, possibly some tech stuff I find interesting, some of the recipes I cook and want to remember the ingredients of and a bit of artwork I draw for fun and I in no way claim to be a good artist in any way.</p> <p>It may also include pictures of my dog at some point.</p> <h3 id="some-things-about-me-i">Some things about me. I :</h3> <p>am an IT Professional.</p> <ul> <li>I run my own <a href="">IT Business</a> that provides IT consulting, assistance and procurement services to local businesses (Devon, South West UK).</li> </ul> <p>am an Open Source advocate/evangelist.</p> <ul> <li>I try to use Open Source products in my personal and working life as often as possible.</li> </ul> <p>am data privacy conscious.</p> <ul> <li>I believe we shouldn’t pay for products or services with our personal data and “marketability”</li> <li>I don’t use the mainstream social media services. You shouldn’t either.</li> </ul> <p>use <a href="">Arch Linux</a> btw…</p> <h3 id="some-information-about-this-site-it">Some information about this site. It :</h3> <ul> <li>was created using <a href="">Zola</a> </li> <li>is built with efficiency in mind; It’s small and light and quick to view.</li> <li>uses no JavaScript (except a little bit for <a href="">Plausible Analytics</a>, forgive me).</li> <li>runs on an <a href="">Caddy</a> server on top of a <a href="">Rocky Linux</a> VPS provided by <a href="">OVH</a>.</li> <li>was written using the <a href="">Neovim</a> text editor on a <a href="">PC Specialist</a> laptop running <a href="">Arch Linux</a></li> </ul>