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2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
d26f5d3ba6 adding wallpaper, can do last 2023-12-12 22:46:33 +00:00
16cf06d437 adding wallpaper, can do last 2023-12-12 22:46:15 +00:00
4 changed files with 123 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import os
import strutils
import parsetoml
import tool
@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ type
prepend*: bool
to_stdout*: bool
screenshot_tool*: ScreenshotTool
unsplash_key*: string
bg_dir*: string
let config_dir* = getHomeDir() & ".config/wm_tools/"
let config_file* = config_dir & "config.toml"
@ -44,6 +47,10 @@ proc newConfig*(): Config =
cfg.max_lines = toml["max_lines"].getInt
if toml.hasKey("screenshot_tool"):
cfg.screenshot_tool = toml["screenshot_tool"].getStr.toScreenshotTool
if toml.hasKey("unsplash_key"):
cfg.unsplash_key = toml["unsplash_key"].getStr
if toml.hasKey("bg_dir"):
cfg.bg_dir = toml["bg_dir"].getStr.replace("$HOME",getHomeDir())
echo "Error with Config File:"
echo getCurrentExceptionMsg()

src/model/wallpapurr.nim Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
WPArgs* = object
query*: string
last*: bool
from_unsplash*: bool

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import model/volume
import model/brightness
import model/screenshot
import model/tides
import model/wallpapurr
proc parseArgs*() =
let params = commandLineParams()
@ -183,17 +184,23 @@ proc parseTideurrlArgs*(): TideList =
return t
proc parseWallpapurrArgs*(): string =
var query = "devon coast"
proc parseWallpapurrArgs*(): WPArgs =
var args = WPArgs()
let params = commandLineParams()
var p = newParser:
help("Args for wallpapurr")
arg("wallpapurr",help="can only ever be 'wallpapurr' as you won't have gotten this far otherwise")
option("-q","--query",help="query name")
flag("-l","--last",help="last image")
flag("-n","--unsplash",help="get from unsplash")
var opts = p.parse(params)
if opts.query != "":
query = opts.query
args.query = opts.query
if opts.last:
args.last = true
if opts.unsplash:
args.from_unsplash = true
except ShortCircuit as err:
if err.flag == "argparse_help":
@ -201,4 +208,4 @@ proc parseWallpapurrArgs*(): string =
except UsageError:
stderr.writeLine getCurrentExceptionMsg()
return query
return args

View file

@ -1,12 +1,108 @@
import os
import osproc
import strutils
import sequtils
import random
import ../common
import ../parser
import ../output
var BG_DIR = "/tmp/"
var LAST_FILE = ""
var LAST = ""
const UNSPLASH_URL = "$QUERY&orientation=landscape"
Note* = object
urgency*: Urgency
title*: string
content*: string
timeout*: int
Urgency* = enum
Normal = "normal"
Low = "low"
Urgent = "urgent"
Critical = "critical"
proc newNote*(): Note =
return Note(urgency: Normal, title: "Notification", content: "Hello, I am a notifications", timeout: 2000)
proc `$`*(n: Note): string =
let str = "notify-send -u $U $T $C -t $N"
.replace("$U", $n.urgency)
.replace("$T", n.title.escape)
.replace("$C", n.content.escape)
.replace("$N", $n.timeout)
return str
proc send(n: Note) =
discard execCmdEx($n)
proc getFromUnsplash(q: var string): string =
createDir(BG_DIR & "/unsplash")
echo "Getting from Unsplash"
q = q.replace(" ","%20")
let uri = UNSPLASH_URL.replace("$QUERY",q)
proc getFiles(dir: string): seq[string] =
var files: seq[string] = @[]
for file in walkDir(dir):
if file.path.endsWith(".jpg"): files.add(file.path)
elif file.kind == pcDir:
files = files.concat(getFiles(file.path))
return files
proc getLast() =
LAST = readFile(LAST_FILE).strip()
proc getImageFromDir(): string =
echo "Getting Random file from " & BG_DIR
var img_files = getFiles(BG_DIR).filter(proc(f: string): bool = f != LAST)
let img_file = img_files[0]
echo "Found : ", img_file
proc setLast() =
var n: Note = newNote()
n.title = "Setting Background to Last"
n.content = LAST
let feh = "feh --bg-fill " & LAST.escape
echo feh
discard execCmdEx(feh)
proc getDesign(): Info =
var data = newInfo("Wallpapurr")
return data
proc go*() =
var mytides = parseWallpapurrArgs()
echo mytides
proc queryPrompt(): string =
let data = getDesign()
let output = data.outputData()
return output
proc go*() =
var args = parseWallpapurrArgs()
UNSPLASH_KEY = myConfig.unsplash_key
BG_DIR = myConfig.bg_dir
LAST_FILE = BG_DIR & "/last.txt"
var img = ""
if args.query != "" or args.from_unsplash:
if args.query == "":
args.query = queryPrompt()
echo "Query: ", args.query
img = getFromUnsplash(args.query)
elif args.last:
img = getImageFromDir()
echo img