-`wlan` shows the state of the wireless network interface. SSID connected to and signal level.
-`nic` shows the status and/or the ip address of the network interface card
-`temperature` shows the current CPU temperature
-`notes` a simple one liner note taking tool, displaying notes in `dmenu`/`rofi`
-`calculate` a calculator, utilising `qalculate` - inspired by [@fedops](https://codeberg.org/fedops/scripts)
-`emoji` an emoji picker
-`remmina` reads the files in your remmina config directory and allows you to connect to and edit them
-`translate` utilises libretranslate (you'll need and API key or your own instance) to translate test. Prefix the text with `en>de`, `de>en`, `en>fr`, etc. as you need. Must be compiled with `-d:ssl`
The next two do not work with `rofi` unless you have `alias dmenu=rofi` set, but they're pretty nice tools
-`passmenu_wrapper` a wrapper for passmenu. It basically just styles `passmenu` with no other features
-`command_wrapper` inspired by passmenu_wrapper, a basic tool to run other `dmenu` related tools with uniform styling.
- For example: `dmenu_run`, `clipmenu`, `passmenu` etc.