import tables type SlotKind* = enum Required Optional Wildcard Slot = object name: string case kind*: SlotKind of Required: nargs: int else: discard ArgFiller* = object slots: seq[Slot] counts: CountTableRef[SlotKind] FillChannel* = tuple idx: Slice[int] dest: string kind: SlotKind proc newArgFiller*(): ref ArgFiller = new(result) result.counts = newCountTable[SlotKind]() using filler: ref ArgFiller proc required*(filler; argname: string, nargs = 1) = filler.slots.add(Slot(kind: Required, name: argname, nargs: nargs)), nargs) proc optional*(filler; argname: string) = filler.slots.add(Slot(kind: Optional, name: argname)) proc wildcard*(filler; argname: string) = if filler.counts[Wildcard] > 0: raise ValueError.newException("More than one wildcard argument not allowed") filler.slots.add(Slot(kind: Wildcard, name: argname)) proc minArgs*(filler): int = for slot in filler.slots: if slot.kind == Required: proc numArgsAfterWildcard*(filler): int = var afterWildcard = false for slot in filler.slots: if slot.kind == Wildcard: afterWildcard = true elif afterWildcard: case slot.kind of Required: of Optional: of Wildcard: discard proc hasVariableArgs*(filler): bool = filler.counts[Optional] > 0 or filler.counts[Wildcard] > 0 proc hasWildcard*(filler): bool = filler.counts[Wildcard] > 0 proc upperBreakpoint*(filler): int = filler.counts[Required] + filler.counts[Optional] + filler.counts[Wildcard] proc channels*(filler; nargs: int): seq[FillChannel] = ## Given the number of arguments, show where those arguments will go var toget = newCountTable[SlotKind]() var left = nargs for kind in [Required, Optional, Wildcard]: var kind_left = filler.counts[kind] let totake = min(kind_left, left) if totake > 0: left.dec(totake) kind_left.dec(totake), totake) var idx = 0 for slot in filler.slots: if toget[slot.kind] > 0: case slot.kind of Required: result.add (idx..(idx+slot.nargs - 1),, slot.kind) of Optional: result.add (idx..idx,, slot.kind) of Wildcard: result.add (idx..(idx + left),, slot.kind) {.push assertions: off.} toget[slot.kind] = max(toget[slot.kind] - result[^1][0].len, 0) {.pop.}[^1][0].len) proc missing*(filler; nargs: int): seq[string] = ## Given the number of arguments, which required arguments will ## not get a value? var left = nargs for slot in filler.slots: if slot.kind == Required: for c in 0..