
911 B

+++ title = "Command Line Reference" weight = 20 +++ Here are the available norg command line parameters for the most recent version. If you are using an older version of norg some of these parameters may not work. Please use norg --help to view all available parameters in your version.

{{ get_source(path="other/command_line.txt",pure=true) }}

The -c, or --config, parameter is required. Failing to provide this will only show the above help information.

When specifying the -r or --repository parameter, you can specify either the label or path for the repository defined in the configuration file.

A sample configuration file can be generated using the generate_config argument. By default, the configuration file will be placed in the current directory and named norg_backup.toml but you can use the -c, --config parameter to define an alternative location for it.